Bristol 'Walk & Talk' Counselling
'Walking is man’s best medicine'
– Hippocrates
Walking has long been thought to be beneficial to our psychological well-being. “Being active promotes mental health and well-being. It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue” (Department of Health, 2011).
I have a passion for the outdoors and walking. The movement of walking alone, or side by side with another outside in nature can be incredibly therapeutic and aid our work together. Whilst lifting our moods chemically through the breathing in of fresh oxygen and increasing our serotonin levels from exercise, nature offers us a space to be away from the stresses of our lives. I personally find it also offers movement and a connection to nature and the wider universe. This can contrast to times where we may feel stuck and disconnected in our lives.
How does it work?
It works in much the same way as in the therapy room. We meet at a set time at an agreed location. We walk and talk together. I follow your pace, your needs, your resources, fast or slow facing whatever we meet on the way: people, the weather, the need to sit, to rest or to storm on...and I will look after your confidentiality.
I generally walk at Stoke Park in Horfield. There is parking right next to the park at various entrances. Fees are the same as being in my practice room.
I recommend we meet in my practice room initially to see if I am the right therapist for you and if this kind of therapy will suit you.
We can then discuss your needs and agree the conditions that you are happy to walk in.
If you would like to know more about walk and talk therapy, take a look at the following links posted below the photo.